Undo it and knit it again

The life and times of a retired knitter

Location: Leicester, United Kingdom

Friday, February 09, 2007

Socks and more socks

It's arrived! I've wound my birthday Jitterbug ready. I've decided on the toe-up pattern and now all I have to do is finish the foot of the socks I am working on. Depends on how the arm and shoulder hold out - might get there today. I really need that pair of socks - one isn't enough!
The snow wasn't too bad here. I took the dogs across the fields instead of up to Bradgate because the twisty road to get there was a bit off-putting. I love the walk across the fields and haven't been over there for ages because of the mud. When they ploughed in the summer, they ploughed right across the footpath (are they allowed to do this?) and it made for really difficult walking, up and down the furrows. It's now planted - probably sweetcorn - also right across the path. So I'm afraid I walked on it.
Fig absolutely loves the snow. She was racing ahead and then jamming on the brakes so she could slide. Poor Hesta got nasty balls of snow and ice stuck to her underneath and her paws, which were very difficult to remove, so as the time for their walk gets closer, I'm still trying to decide what to do. DD suggests I bring her back here and use the hairdryer on her.
I hate driving when conditions are less than perfect, so I'm really glad I don't have to struggle to work. I think back to watching colleagues attemting to get through the gate into school across a sheet of ice. Some were lucky and just missed the in-gate and were able to get through the exit, but one poor colleague just kept going and going. Me? I learned from their mistakes and got it right.
School was no fun when it snowed - the bully types were always trying to use it to hurt or demean others. If we kept them in their pent-up energy made them impossible for lessons. If we let them out, they came back soaked and high as kites. The floors were awash with water, and very slippery. I'm glad I'm home, with hot chocolate and cuddly dogs. This afternoon, conditions permitting, I might go to the library - or I might just try to finish that sock!


Blogger Gone to Find Myself said...

Hello: I live in the US and am currently knitting socks. Actually I am knitting socks and more socks, and more socks.
I thought it would be fun to find a UK sock knitter. And we could compare, chat and knit.....
Would love to find out about your knitting.

8:50 PM  

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