Like spring
Yesterday and today Bradgate Park has been amazingly spring-like. Yesterday the light had that sort of milky quality, and it was really balmy. Today was colder, but the light was crystal-clear and I could see for miles. The deer are out and about again, and the great tits are ready to explode with the force of their - well, not exactly song. I always think they sound rather like mouth organs - that sort of suck and blow effect. The dogs have been very happy, though how to keep them out of the water is defeating me. They race around, go for an orgy of snuffling and then, when I'm relaxing, plunge straight in the nearest ditch. Since the ditches are nearly full, in Fig's case that means she has to swim to keep her head above water.
My arm and sh
oulder are still troublesome, but better than they were. I'm trying to do one hour on, one hour off with the knitting, and knitting socks, so I'm using shorter needles. This is yarn from the stash which had lost its band. The photo makes it look pretty, whereas in fact garish is the word I would choose. I wanted bright - and bright I got! I've followed Fiona's (Angel Yarns forum's guru) tips to get a neater effect at the heel and they have worked well. The next pair should be better still.
Birthday tomorrow - will probably treat myself to a visit to Web of Wool. After all, I have to maintain the stash.
The park sounds lovely and the dogs very playful!!!
I love the socks... :)
Happy Birthday for tomorrow and have fun at Web of Wool...
Hope you had a lovely birthday - it was my mum's birthday too (she was 80 this time).
I used to love Bradgate Park when I was little, especially in the Autumn when the bracken was all crunchy and brown.
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