Long time no blog
But that doesn't mean no knitting! I succeeded in finishing the shawl for DIL; photos are rubbish, but this is at least a detail. The sparkle of the yarn (KidSilkNight) doesn't show up, though.
I also managed to finish the raglan for my son; he was so pleased he asked for a cardigan! No photo- finished it late on Christmas Eve, so the light wasn't very good.

Since Christmas I have finished a pair of socks. I experimented with the short-row heel, which I like, and the short-row toe, which I don't. I guess that means that from now on I shall make socks with short-row heels and conventional toes. I want to try with DK - w
ould they be miles too thick and good only for socks-about-the-house? They would grow so much more quickly. Would probably make welly socks. So I need a visit to Web of Wool since I haven't found a DK pattern, and I can get some Regia 6-ply there. Then I can start using up my stash. I really like the yarn - probably Opal - it makes up a sort of brocade look, and I'm sorry I didn't do a better job with it.
Also finished is the Wool Peddlers shawl from the book by Oberle. I hated making this - I discover I dislike garter stitch with a passion, and the lace section was dull. The choice of Regia bamboo out of my stash was a bad one, really. It would have been better in DK, and I don't think the colours of the yarn show up very well. But I finished it!
Have been off to Devon for a few days: desperate rainy weather and blowing a gale, but we did at least have some dry spells at appropriate moments. Poor Fig didn't get much in the way of walks, but I did buy her a rather smart flying jacket, which she seems to like a lot, and she snuggles into it happily.
We visited some wool shops (of course!) - Mandy's in Wells, which is quite stunning in the sheer amount of stock they carry. They do King Cole and Forsells coned wool. I really like cones - no ends to darn in! So I bought some cream 4-ply merino for the stole in 'Scarves and Shawls'. We also went to Em's Stitches in Ottery St Mary where we bought some UK alpaca. Then I was trying to see alpacas wherever we went, but failed miserably. I see that will be the mission for the future because they look so strange in the photos.
It's odd that not blogging makes me feel guilty, but it does. So I'll try to be better in future!
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