Undo it and knit it again

The life and times of a retired knitter

Location: Leicester, United Kingdom

Tuesday, January 30, 2007


The cold spell last week made me feel (strongly) that it was time to add a sweater (or two) to my own drawers. So I got out my Freedom Spirit and knitted determinedly, to see how fast I could make myself something to wear.
So determinedly that I have hurt my arm/shoulder, and have had to stop knitting.
Which leaves a problem: what do I do if I can't knit? And of course, when you can't knit, you want to all the more. Crochet seems to make things worse. If I try patchwork, pulling the thread through and therefore stretching the arm is painful. Would try bobbin lace only I don't have a pillow or pricking card, and can't find any shops which sell them. I don't want to spend a huge lot in case that doesn't work either.
Definitely grumps.
When I retired, I did think of writing a book. I was going to write about this vampire teacher. But I didn't think I'd be very good, so I didn't.
More grumps.
Cat Bordhi's book arrived this morning so I'm going to experiment with a very little, very gentle sock knitting - on 4 needles for now, since I don't have enough short circs. But worth a try. I'd cross my fingers, but that might make knitting difficult.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Assorted rambles

All my photos currently are of WIP's. This is Malin (or will be!) from the second of the small Rowan books. I find myself using Kid silk Haze a lot, which is surprising when you think it's so awful to frog. On the other hand, there is a fabulous range of colours; silk does take colour well, I remember from my bobbin lacemaking days. And it's one of the few really fine yarns which is easily available. The photo really doesn't give any idea of the true colour, which is a vibrant yellowy-green.
Another major WIP is to be seen on the Victorian Lace Today blog KAL - must find out how to import a button! I'm using the Posh Yarns cashmere bought with DS's Christmas voucher for the stripes and torchon shawl. The yarn is lovely to handle, and I'm really pleased with the way it looks, too. I really like the not-solid dye effect.
Saturday saw us exploring Milton Keynes for a change. Breakfast in Ikea, followed by a sit on all the small sofas they have. I'm considering buying a sofa so Fig can sit on it with me, but in the meanwhile I've moved a cushion-topped stool next to my chair for her. She likes to walk over from one to the other, and it seems to have given her confidence to balance on the arm of my chair, which is about 3 inches wide. After IKEA we had a brisk march through the shopping centre, and a lengthy pause in the yarn department of John Lewis, where I was almost seduced by some Noro, but at £7plus for 50 grams it doesn't compare well to people like Posh yarns. It's just that Noro's colours are so intense that I want them ALL. Then we wandered into Lush, as usual. I was impressed with Milton Keynes - loads of shops and not too many people. And I didn't see any of those intimidating gangs of youths who put me off going to Leicester city centre - or Nottingham, for that matter.
There was the suggestion on the weather forecast of snow today. Now I don't have to drive to work, the idea isn't frightening. But it's actually bright and windy. The dogs will probably get wet and muddy in the park!
I want to do some rows this morning because it's the knitting group this evening and I know I can't knit lace there. So I'll go and get on.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Can't spare much time

Because I need to be stroking and oohing over the Posh yarns that I bought with DS's Christmas voucher, which arrived this morning. I couldn't order before because of the trip to Devon, so I took advantage of One-off-Sunday to choose this:
I've tried several angles to try and get the best photo, but it still doesn't do justice to the vibrancy of the colours. On the right is Saskia, and on the left Sophia 2-ply. I'm hoping to join the KAL for VLT which has been started by Lothlorien, and intend to have chosen the project by tonight. (I've only been trying to decide what to make out of this book since I bought it MONTHS ago).
Kai tagged me for 6 weird things about myself. Now that's a problem: how do I choose six? Maybe they won't seem weird to anybody else.
1. When I take the dogs for a walk to the country park, I sing as I walk. Yes, loudly. Have I got a nice voice? Well, even my father said it sounded like a cinder under the door. On the other hand, when I used to sing in the car to keep the kids occupied (when they were little!), they didn't seem to mind it.
2. Although I don't like butterflies (that may seem weird to some people), I have a blue butterfly tattooed on my arm.
3.My besetting sin is the need to apologise. Someone bashes into me on the pavement? I apologise. When I've done it, I realise that it wasn't my fault so no need to apologise, but I KEEP ON DOING IT.
4.I'm a binge person. No cleaning for weeks, then I binge on it. Used to be the same at work, and would focus on a task for weeks, day and night, and then just let it go.
5. I still love Elvis. I know he's dead, and those impersonators are disgusting, but he's still the King.
6. I really feel Welsh, in spite of having lived in England for over 40 years.

Things my family find weird, like the obsession with all things to do with knitting, wouldn't seem weird to another knitter.

Time to go stroke some more.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Long time no blog

But that doesn't mean no knitting! I succeeded in finishing the shawl for DIL; photos are rubbish, but this is at least a detail. The sparkle of the yarn (KidSilkNight) doesn't show up, though.
I also managed to finish the raglan for my son; he was so pleased he asked for a cardigan! No photo- finished it late on Christmas Eve, so the light wasn't very good.

Since Christmas I have finished a pair of socks. I experimented with the short-row heel, which I like, and the short-row toe, which I don't. I guess that means that from now on I shall make socks with short-row heels and conventional toes. I want to try with DK - would they be miles too thick and good only for socks-about-the-house? They would grow so much more quickly. Would probably make welly socks. So I need a visit to Web of Wool since I haven't found a DK pattern, and I can get some Regia 6-ply there. Then I can start using up my stash. I really like the yarn - probably Opal - it makes up a sort of brocade look, and I'm sorry I didn't do a better job with it.

Also finished is the Wool Peddlers shawl from the book by Oberle. I hated making this - I discover I dislike garter stitch with a passion, and the lace section was dull. The choice of Regia bamboo out of my stash was a bad one, really. It would have been better in DK, and I don't think the colours of the yarn show up very well. But I finished it!

Have been off to Devon for a few days: desperate rainy weather and blowing a gale, but we did at least have some dry spells at appropriate moments. Poor Fig didn't get much in the way of walks, but I did buy her a rather smart flying jacket, which she seems to like a lot, and she snuggles into it happily.

We visited some wool shops (of course!) - Mandy's in Wells, which is quite stunning in the sheer amount of stock they carry. They do King Cole and Forsells coned wool. I really like cones - no ends to darn in! So I bought some cream 4-ply merino for the stole in 'Scarves and Shawls'. We also went to Em's Stitches in Ottery St Mary where we bought some UK alpaca. Then I was trying to see alpacas wherever we went, but failed miserably. I see that will be the mission for the future because they look so strange in the photos.

It's odd that not blogging makes me feel guilty, but it does. So I'll try to be better in future!