How do I...?

I'm feeling horribly ignorant after reading things on the UK handknitters forum. How do people find out all these things?
Knitter's Review came today by e-mail; I'm glad to see that the Lantern Moon circular needles met with approval, since I treated myself to a pair at the NEC. I'm also very pleased with my Brittany dpns; need to buy more good-quality needles - but where? If I go on an expedition loking in the right kinds of woolshops, I shall end up adding to my stash, and I'm on an economy drive! Yes, I know I can order on-line, but what about instant gratification? I read that Inox needles are recommended for lace knitting, with the helpful tips; need some of those too.
Have turned the heel on the second sock; Anna is quite right, if you start the yarn in the same place for the second sock, you do get matching ones. My pair will be in bright pinks and reds, and I think I'll try the short-row heel, see how it feels.
The kiri shawl is almost done; I'm at the stage of wondering whether more repeats are possible with the amount of wool I have left.
Tried knitting the free pattern from Interweave Knits a while ago - fronts are semi-circles made in one piece with the sleeve. I think it's one of Kate Gilbert's. Unfortunately I couldn't make the wool from the stash get the row tension right, and it's rather critical, so it's back to the drawing board. I'm going to have a go at a floppy-front; more news later.
The weather is beautiful, so the dogs to the park will go. The deer have stopped roaring, and the green woodpeckers are fairly silent at the moment. On the other hand, the trees are just starting to turn, and the mallards' heads are the most stunning green. When the weather is like this, you can see for miles from the highest point, in all directions. This photo isn't the one I wanted to show - my laptop is being skittish this morning. Perhaps I'll take the camera and get photos of our very ancient oak trees.
Meanwhile - time for second coffee!
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