
I set out to finish two tanks before Rhiannon moved house today: FAILED! Not sure why. Here is one, in Colinette Lasso, with the hole-y design adapted from a Rowan pattern. I had intended to lace something through the holes, but she likes the holes naked. The whole thing now needs edgings - drat! I had hoped to get away without them.
Think I might have a play today with some yarn from the stash - a hank of lace-weight cashmere yarn from Hipknits which I got from the Knhitting and Stitching show at the NEC. Think I'll make it with a wide scarf in mind, to see how far the yarn goes. If I'm lucky, it might be a stole.
I've also discovered, through links from someone's blog, that we have a stockist for Jamieson's Shetland yarn about 20 miles from here. I might be tempted to go and see!

Yesterday was quite a good day. This is Gilbert, my cat. A few weeks ago he sprouted a lump on his head, which the vet diagnosed as a tumour. So she sent me home to watch for symptoms of his decline and I've been watching him anxiously ever since. He's been snaffling the dog's food and having mad moments racing all round the house and garden! So yesterday afternoon we went off to the vet, with me prepared to have her say he needed to be put to sleep. Instead, he's actually put on weight, and she doesn't want to see him for 3 months. Obviously, the dog food suits him!
Time to go and wind some yarn.
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