
I've chosen this name for my blog in memory of primary school. Every afternoon we girls did some craft work (the boys did art). My family always had some form of work on hand at home, so I learned to knit and sew early. I do remember the day they produced the knitting needles and a ball of knitting cotton. One over-anxious little girl felt totally secure and knitted away happily until the ball was all used up. I took the knitting to the desk to ask what to do next and yes, that's right: was told to undo it and knit it again.
I've been knitting since I was about three so have some proficiency, but until recently have preferred to say nothing about it: it's not cool to knit, people tend to despise you, to think you are dull and boring. For years and years I have been a secret knitter. I have hidden my yarn and tried to pretend I don't really have it. Now, however, I knit when and where I wish. I've learned to refer to my stash with some pride.
What's changed? partly the upsurge in interest in knitting - new shops, new yarns, new magazines; partly the blogs which tell of the things I do and have done, so I know I'm not a total freak. (If you haven't read Yarn harlot, do!) Partly also being retired. Jenny Joseph's poem has the old woman wearing a purple dress and sitting on people's doorsteps if she wants to. Me, I just knit.
My knitting interests are multiple. I love to knit lace, but at the moment I'm also fascinated by Domino knitting. The photo is of my first experiment. I began with a ball of sock wool and picked out some of the colours from it. Now I'm thinking my way towards shaping a tank top. Of course, there is always the practical knitting - garments for family. I'm also being exhorted to knit coats for the family dogs. I think this is a joke.
For the moment I'm trying to discipline myself to finish stuff rather than dashing off to find (or buy) yarn for some new enthusiasm. Surely I've got enough for now!
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