Just to prove ...

...that I do finish some projects.
This one is embarrassingly simple, a basic shape adapted to Noro Silk Blossom, but it is finished! The yarn is horrible to sew up - I had to keep putting a twist on it to stop it simply coming apart.
The day is dark and gloomy, so I've voted myself a knitting day. Even now I'm retired, I still feel guily spending the day as I want. Later I'll take the dogs up to the park. It's beautiful at the moment, with acorns everywhere underfoot, the leaves turning, and the stags roaring (it's the rut).
My little dog is Fig (after a fig roll biscuit!) and although small, she has a huge attitude. I 'rescued' her from the RSPCA just over a year ago. Each day we take my son's dog, Hesta, walking with us. She's a pedigree cocker spaniel and very sweet, though somewhat timid. Yesterday a nice man wanted to feed them biscuits (human kind). Fig snaffled as many as she could, but Hesta ran away crying. I love it when she has a bossy moment and runs ahead up the path, then turns round as if to say, 'What's keeping you?' Wonder if I can upload another photo?
Time to go back to two projects I'm trying to finish for Friday, when my daughter Rhiannon moves to Oxford to take up a new job. Got my work cut out!
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